Numbers next to the nodes refer to the node numbers in Table 1, the MRCA of extant Armillaria spp. as well as the Holarctic lineage and South American-Australasian lineages are encircled. Optimum reconstruction of area distributions are indicated next to the main ancestral nodes on the tree. The origin of the isolates is denoted in brackets next to the species name. The biogeographical distribution for each species is indicated in square brackets. Coniophora puteana (AM293066, AJ583426 and AM293182) and Serpula lacrymans (EU162051, AJ440940 and AJ518928) that reside in the Boletales were used to root the tree. (Abbreviations: wUSA = western USA, eUSA = eastern USA, Eur = Europe, Aust = Australia, IndoMal = Indo-Malasia, NZ = New Zealand, SAm = South America, Afr = Africa; P = Pliocene; Mio = Miocene; Oli = Oligocene; Eoc = Eocene; Pal = Paleocene.)