Figure 2. Gate voltage and magnetic field dependence of the normal state resistance.
(a) Gate voltage dependence of the normal state resistance. The maximum at Vg~−10 V, provides a first indication of ambipolar transport. The Vg dependence originates from the modulation of the conductivity of the surface close to the gate, and can be quantitatively described as δσ(Vg)=nDirac(Vg)eμ (nDirac(Vg) is given by equation (1) with μ=2500 cm2 Vs−1 (inset of panel (a): the yellow line corresponds to the calculated δσ(Vg)). (b) Full dependence of the resistance on Vg and magnetic field B (the measurements are performed by sweeping Vg at fixed B, for different values of B). As a function of B the resistance increases approximately linearly, exhibiting clear oscillations that are enhanced by deriving the data with respect to either Vg or B. (c) Oscillations in −d2R/dB2 (Vg=−62 V), periodic in 1/B as it is typical for the SdH effect (for small oscillations superimposed on a slowly varying background −d2R/dB2 has the same phase as the oscillations in the resistance itself). All data shown in this figure were measured at 4.2 K.