(a) Atomic structure of a nitrogen (N) - vacancy (V) centre in diamond and the magnetic field B. (b) Pulse sequences for the optically detected magnetic resonance measurement. The centre spin is initialized by the 532-nm laser pulse, manipulated by microwave pulses, and read out through the fluorescence. (c) Energy levels of an NV centre spin. The electron spin and 14N-nuclear spin states are denoted by |ms〉 and |mI〉14N for ms,mI=0,±, respectively. The level splitting is caused by the hyperfine coupling to the 14N nuclear spin. The single-transition coherence L0,+ and the double-transition coherence L+,− are measured in the experiments. The solid (dashed) vertical arrows denote the nonselective (selective) microwave excitations of the centre spin. (d) Schematic of a 13C-nuclear spin bath (enclosed by the circle), which together with the NV centre spin form a relatively closed quantum system.