Restoration of efficiency and signal peptide specificity by SecYEG. A, SecYEG restores signal peptide specificity in ion channel activity. Purified SecYEG (30 ng) was mixed by vortexing with SecA-liposomes (120 ng) and injected into oocytes in the presence of various precursors or signal peptides with 4 mm puromycin. LamB WT, wild-type LamB signal peptide. LamB DM, LamB deletion signal peptide. B, protein translocation. Translocation mixtures in 0.1 ml containing where indicated 120 ng SecYEG, 120 ng SecB, 10 μg SecA, 120 ng proOmpA, or 120 ng unfolded mature OmpA were incubated at 30 °C or 0 °C for 30 min.