Fig. 4.
SAXS investigation of the transition between lower and higher order structures of E. coli class Ia RNR. (A) Scattering curves measured as 0–175 μM dATP was titrated into a 6 μM solution of α2 and β2 in the presence of 1 mM CDP (red to violet) display isointensity points, suggesting a two-state transition. (B) Kratky representations of the scattering curves (Iq2 vs. q) at 0 μM (red), 12 μM (green), and 40 μM (blue) dATP show a transition from a compact globular state, as indicated by the monomodal peak, to a large nonglobular state, indicated by a bimodal curve (36). (C) Fitting linear combinations of the α2β2 docking model (15) and the α4β4 ring to the titration data provided relative fractions of the two states. (D) Ab initio SAXS reconstructions of free subunits aligned with deposited crystal structures (5, 39), a compact α2β2 state aligned with the proposed docking model (15), and the α4β4 ring aligned with the crystal structure (SI Appendix, Tables S2 and S3, and Fig. S10). The small additional density observed in the molecular envelope of α2β2 can be explained by the presence of approximately 3% α4β4 (Fig. 4C).