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. 2011 Dec 8;8(1):139–149. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.8.139

Table 3.

The activities of the seminal antioxidant enzymes in the study groups.

Parameters Control (n=40) Astheno (n=45) OAT (n=35) P-Value
Control Vs. Astheno Control Vs. OAT
SOD (×10-3 U/g)
Mean ± SD 2,58± 2,03 1,07±0,5 0,87±0,38 0,008 0,003
Min-Max 1,07-7,41 0,14-2,41 0,51-6,51
GPX (×10-3 U/g)
Mean ± SD 9,56± 4,87 6,35±2,69 3,90±2,01 0.02 <0.001
Min-Max 2,14-19,44 2,27-12,19 0,71-6,63

Note: SOD= superoxide dismutase, GPX= glutathione peroxidase, Max= maximum, Min= minimum, SD= standard deviation, Astheno= asthenozoospermics, OAT= Oligoasthenoteratozoospermics. Data are expressed as means ± SD. P≤0.05=significant; P≤.001=highly significant.