Table 2.
Papers and reports with combined primary care and secondary care data
Complete reference | Country |
Latter S, Blenkinsopp, A., Smith, A., Chapman, S., Tinelli, M., Gerard, K., Little, P., Celino, N., Granby, T., Nicholls, P., Dorer, G.: Evaluation of nurse and pharmacist independent prescribing. London: University of Southampton & Keele University; 2010 [26]. | UK |
Hoti K, Sunderland B, Hughes J, Parsons R: An evaluation of Australian pharmacist's attitudes on expanding their prescribing role. Pharmacy World & Science: PWS 2010, 32(5):610-621 [27]. | Australia |
Hacking S, and Taylor, J: An evaluation of the scope and practice of non-medical prescribing in the North West for NHS North West. Lancashire: School of Nursing & Caring Sciences, University of Central Lancashire 2010 [28]. | UK |
Hobson RJ, Scott J, Sutton J: Pharmacists and nurses as independent prescribers: exploring the patient's perspective. Family Practice 2009, 27(1):110-120 [29]. | UK |
Drennan J. NC, Allen D., Hyde A., Felle P., O'Boyle K., Treacy P., Butler M.: Independent Evaluation of the Nurse and Midwife Prescribing Initiative. Dublin: University College Dublin; 2009 [3]. | Republic of Ireland |
Courtenay M, Stenner K, Carey N: An exploration of the practices of nurse prescribers who care for people with diabetes: a case study. J Nursing & Healthcare of Chronic Illness 2009, 1(4):311-320 [30]. | UK |
Dunn SV, Cashin A, Buckley T, Newman C: Nurse practitioner prescribing practice in Australia. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 2008, 22(3):150-155 [31]. | Australia |
Courtenay M, Carey N: Nurse independent prescribing and nurse supplementary prescribing practice: national survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008, 61(3):291-299 [32]. | UK |
Courtenay M, Carey N: Preparing nurses to prescribe medicines for patients with diabetes: a national questionnaire survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2008, 61(4):403-412 [33]. | UK |
Cooper R, Anderson C, Avery T, Bissell P, Guillaume L, Hutchinson A, Lymn J, Murphy E, Ratcliffe J, Ward P: Stakeholders' views of UK nurse and pharmacist supplementary prescribing. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 2008, 13(4):215-221 [34]. | UK |
Bissell P, Cooper, R., Guillaume, L., Anderson, C., Avery, A., Hutchinson, A., James, V., Lymn, J., Marsden, E., Murphy, E., Ratcliffe, J., Ward, P., and Woolsey, I: An Evaluation of Supplementary Prescribing in Nursing and Pharmacy. London: Department of Health 2008 [35]. | UK |
Latter S, Maben J, Myall M, Young A, Baileff A: Focus. Evaluating prescribing competencies and standards used in nurse independent prescribers' prescribing consultations: an observation study of practice in England. Journal of Research in Nursing 2007, 12(1):7-28 [36]. | UK |
Latter S, Maben J, Myall M, Young A: Evaluating the clinical appropriateness of nurses' prescribing practice: method development and findings from an expert panel analysis. Quality & Safety in Health Care 2007, 16(6):415-421 [37]. | UK |
Courtenay M, Carey N, Burke J: Independent extended and supplementary nurse prescribing practice in the UK: a national questionnaire survey. International Journal Of Nursing Studies 2007, 44(7):1093-1101 [38]. | UK |
George J, McCaig DJ, Bond CM, Cunningham ITS, Diack HL, Watson AM, Stewart DC: Supplementary prescribing: early experiences of pharmacists in Great Britain. The Annals Of Pharmacotherapy 2006, 40(10):1843-1850 [39]. | UK |
Flenniken MC: Psychotropic prescriptive patterns among nurse practitioners in nonpsychiatric settings. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 1997, 9(3):117-121 [40]. | USA |
Batey MV, Holland JM: Prescribing practices among nurse practitioners in adult and family health. American Journal of Public Health 1985, 75(3):258-262 [41]. | USA |