Figure 6.
Curves of treatment-free survival [time from diagnosis to first treatment (TTFT)], according to (A) IGVH mutational status, (B) IGVH mutational status and hTERT level/telomere length profile, (C) high-risk (11q- or 17p-, +12) and low-risk (normal, 13q-) chromosomal categories, (D) chromosomal categories and hTERT level/telomere length profile, (E) IGVH mutational status, chromosomal categories, and hTERT level/telomere length profile. hTERT low: ≤median value; hTERT high: >median value; T/S short ≤median value; T/S long: >median value. The median (95% CI) of TTFT and hazard ratios are provided in Online Supplementary Table S3 (panel A, C), S4 (panel B) and S5 (panel E).