Figure 1.
A 25-day sample protocol for a child following a strict sleep-wake schedule with a 20:00 bedtime, a 07:00 wake time, and a 13:00-14:30 afternoon nap (12.5 hours time in bed/24-hour period). Days 1-5 represent the stabilization phase; days 6-25 included five polysomnographic randomly-ordered sleep recordings following 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16 hours of prior wakefulness. For this child, recordings were performed at 11:00 (morning nap: MN), 14:00 (afternoon nap: AN), 17:00 (evening nap: EN), 20:00 (baseline night; Baseline), and 23:00 (sleep restriction night: SR). Solid black bars represent time in bed; white bars represent periods of wakefulness. Arrows indicate an overnight sleep recording.