Figure 6. Action potentials are prolonged in CI-T trigeminal ganglion neurons from R192Q KI mice.
A, left: representative superimposed APs upon 1 ms depolarizing pulses for a WT (black) and a KI (red) CI-T neuron. Cells TR160508E6 and TR151008E5. Right: cumulative distributions of the AP repolarizing time (APRT) in WT (n = 21) and KI (n = 22) CI-T neurons.B, left: superimposed first derivatives of the APs shown inA. Right: cumulative distributions of the second minimum rate of repolarization (rr2) in WT (n = 21) and KI (n = 22) CI-T neurons. Mean capacitance of both WT and KI CI-T neurons was 12 ± 0.6 pF.