TCP16 and Gly-11-TCP16 alter leaf development in different ways. A–H, phenotype of plants transformed with constructs that express fusions of TCP16 (B and E) or its Gly-11 mutant (C, F, and H) to the EAR repressor domain compared with plants transformed with vector pBI121, used as control (A, D, and G). A–C, 15-day-old plants. D and F, 22-day-old plants. E, 28-day-old TCP16-EAR plant. G and H, cotyledons from 15-day-old plants. I and J show third pair leaves from 28-day-old plants with severe (I) or mild (J) phenotype (left, wild-type; center, TCP16-EAR; right, Gly-11-TCP16-EAR). Scale bars represent 2.5 mm.