PMF drives translocation of I28 into mature OmpA. A, [35S]proOmpA translocation was carried out in the presence of D209N SecA (60 μg/ml) as described in Fig. 3A, D209N SecA, for 15 min at 37 °C, followed by the addition of WT SecA (60 μg/ml). The time after WT SecA addition is indicated. At 20 min, PMF was imposed by adding 5 mm succinate. At each indicated time, an aliquot (25 μl) was withdrawn and chilled on ice to stop the reaction, followed by proteinase K (1 mg/ml) digestion. For the 15- and 20-min samples, the same amount (25 μl) was mixed with the same amount of a urea (8 m) solution, followed by incubation on ice for 5 min before proteinase K digestion (15* and 20*, respectively). The positions of proOmpA (p) and mature OmpA (m), together with those of intermediates (I28, I26 and I18) are indicated by arrows. The specific band after urea treatment (asterisk) and that at the gel front are also indicated. B, the translocated bands detected in A were quantitated and plotted against time after WT SecA addition. The numbers of Met and Cys were considered to be as in Fig. 3B.