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. 2011 Nov 15;287(1):672–681. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.317370



Sre1 cleavage requires cdc48/dsc6. A, diagram of Cdc48/Dsc6 from S. pombe. The substrate and cofactor binding N domain as well as the AAA domain containing D1 and D2 domains are outlined in light gray boxes. The D1 and D2 domains each contain three important highly conserved domains. These domains, the Walker A, Walker B, and SRH, are indicated by gray, dark gray, and black boxes, respectively. These functional regions of the protein are based on alignments with the Mus musculus VCP/p97 homolog of Cdc48/Dsc6. Mutation for each allele is represented above the diagram. B, Western blot probed with anti-Sre1 IgG of phosphatase-treated whole cell lysates from wild type and the indicated mutant strains grown for 6 h in the presence or absence of oxygen. *, nonspecific, cross-reacting protein.