Table 1.
Mean and standard deviation of impulsivity measures for heavy and light drinkers
Impulsivity measures | Heavy drinkers (n = 13) | Light drinkers (n = 29) |
BIS-11 (Total) | 66.46 (10.55) a | 57.66 (10.7) a |
BIS-11 (Attention) | 18.92 (4.07) a | 16.41 (4.24) b |
BIS-11 (Motor) | 22.23 (3.63) a | 19.45 (3.66) a |
BIS-11 (Non-planning) | 22.62 (4.61) a | 19.17 (3.94) a |
SST | 220.90 (54.68) a | 222.67 (50.02) b |
CARROT | 0.00 (0.07) a | −0.02 (0.07) b |
Means sharing similar letters within a row differ at p < 0.05
BIS-11 Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11, SST Stop Signal Task, CARROT Card-Arranging Reward Responsivity Objective Test