Fig. 4.
Bone histomorphometric assessment of the maxillae. A, Numbers of empty osteocyte lacunae per area next to the bone surfaces were plotted. In the denuded side, there was a significant increase in empty osteocyte lacunae in the ZA vs. VC group. B and C, Osteoclast numbers per linear perimeter (Oc.N/BS) and osteoclast surface (Oc.S/BS) were significantly increased in the denuded side than the contralateral intact (CL-I) side regardless of therapy. No differences were found between groups in the denuded side. D, In the denuded side, osteoblast surface (Ob.S/BS) was smaller in the ZA group than control, but no statistical differences were reached between groups. E, Significantly smaller bone lining cell surface (Blc.S/BS) was noted in the denuded side of ZA group vs. control. No differences were noted in the contralateral intact side between groups. F, In the denuded side, significantly higher numbers of PMN cells were juxtaposed to the bone surfaces in the ZA group vs. control. No PMN cells were observed on the bone surfaces in the contralateral intact side regardless of therapy. G, Representative photomicrographs of TRAP-stained sections of the maxillae show attached osteoclasts (asterisk), nonattached osteoclasts (arrowheads), and TRAP+ MNC (arrows). ZA therapy for 13 months significantly increased the numbers of nonattached osteoclasts (H) and TRAP+ MNC (I) in the denuded side as well as in the contralateral intact palate. n = 7/group; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.