Table 4.
A representative sampling of different cell types in animal models of ischemic stroke
Cell Source | Stroke Model Studied | Transplant Approach | Delivery Time | Outcome | References Numbers |
Rat SVZ NSCs | Rat embolic MCAO | Cisterna magna | 2 days | Improved sensorimotor function. | 147–149 |
Angiogenesis measured by MRI | |||||
Rat MCAO | Intracerebral | 3 hours | Recovery in limb placing and cylinder tests | 151 | |
Mouse SVZ NSCs | Rat MCAO | Intracerebral | 7 days | Recovery in cylinder tests only in enriched environment | 150 |
Embryonic stem cells | Mouse/Rat MCAO | Intracerebral | 2 weeks | Neuron formation in rats, tumor formation in mouse | 143 |
Rat MSCs | Rat MCAO | Intracerebral | 1 day | Improved sensorimotor function and NSS | 153 |
Rat MCAO | Intravenous | 1 or 7 days | Recovery in somatosensory behavior and NSS | 154 | |
Rat MCAO | Intracarotid | 1 day | Recovery on adhesive removal test and NSS | 155 | |
Human umbilical cord blood stem cells | Rat MCAO | Intravenous (dose 3 × 106 cells) | 24 hours | Significantly improved functional recovery | 157 |
Intravenous (dose 1 × 106 cells) | 48 hours | Significantly improved functional recovery compared to saline or RN33b NSCs | 158 | ||
Rat MAPCs | Rat MCAO | Intracerebral | 1 week | Recovery on limb placement & sticky tape test | 165 |
Human olfactory ensheathing cells | Rat MCAO | Intracerebral | 1 day | Recovery on behavioral tests | 167 |
Mononuclear cells | Rat MCAO | Intra-arterial | 1 day | Recovery on behavioral tests | 198 |
MAPCs = multipotent adult progenitor cells; MCAO = middle cerebral artery occlusion; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; MSCs = marrow stromal cells; NSCs = neural stem cells; NSS = neurological severity score; SVZ = subventricular zone