Figure 5. CREM α does not bind to the SYK promoter in SLE T cells.
A, Chromatin was prepared from T cells of 5 SLE patients and 5 age- and sex-matched controls and immunoprecipitated with CREM α antibody. One characteristic example of chromatin-immunoprecipitated SYK promoter with CREM α antibody and densitometry scan of 5 separate samples of control and SLE patients are shown as mean ± SEM of relative intensity of immunoprecipitated bands. B, Chromatin was prepared from 7 SLE patients and 7 age- and sex-matched controls and immunoprecipitated with anti-acetyl-histone H3 antibody. Individual immunoprecipitated bands were measured by densitometry and plotted as random scatter. C, Relative enrichment of acetyl group (as depicted on the X axis) was plotted against the respective SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI; Y axis) using Prism graph pad software. Statistical correlation is given as r value.