Table 3.
Ordered Probit Results Regressing Self-Reported Health on Size-Adjusted Family Income and Demographic Controls for Working-Age Individuals
Panel A: Pretax Income | ||||
(1) SIPP All Working Agea | (2) SIPP Low Incomeb | (3) CPS All Working Agea | (4) CPS Low Incomeb | |
Pretax Income ($1,000s) | 0.00493*** | 0.00985*** | 0.00297*** | 0.00853*** |
(0.000123) | (0.000905) | (0.000036) | (0.000373) | |
Average Marginal Effect of a $1,000 Increase in Income on Probability of Each Health Status | ||||
Poor | −0.00025*** | −0.00098*** | −0.00016*** | −0.00096*** |
(0.000007) | (0.000092) | (0.000002) | (0.000043) | |
Fair | −0.00051*** | −0.00137*** | −0.00030*** | −0.00111*** |
(0.000013) | (0.000127) | (0.000004) | (0.000049) | |
Good | −0.00087*** | −0.00106*** | −0.00052*** | −0.00088*** |
(0.000021) | (0.000096) | (0.000006) | (0.000039) | |
Very Good | 0.00010*** | 0.00094*** | 0.00003*** | 0.00074*** |
(0.000005) | (0.000088) | (0.000001) | (0.000033) | |
Excellent | 0.00154*** | 0.00247*** | 0.00095*** | 0.00222*** |
(0.000038) | (0.000226) | (0.000011) | (0.000097) | |
Observations | 307,585 | 85,397 | 1,325,941 | 356,427 |
Panel B: Posttax Income | ||||
(1) SIPP All Working Agea | (2) SIPP Low Incomeb | (3) CPS All Working Agea | (4) CPS Low Incomeb | |
Posttax Income ($1,000s) | 0.00886*** | 0.01160*** | 0.00504*** | 0.00582*** |
(0.000181) | (0.001020) | (0.000061) | (0.000459) | |
Average Marginal Effect of a $1,000 Increase in Income on Probability of Each Health Status | ||||
Poor | −0.00045*** | −0.00116*** | −0.00028*** | −0.00066*** |
(0.000011) | (0.000104) | (0.000004) | (0.000052) | |
Fair | −0.00092*** | −0.00162*** | −0.00050*** | −0.00076*** |
(0.000020) | (0.000143) | (0.000006) | (0.000060) | |
Good | −0.00157*** | −0.00125*** | −0.00088*** | −0.00060*** |
(0.000032) | (0.000109) | (0.000011) | (0.000048) | |
Very Good | 0.00018*** | 0.00111*** | 0.00005*** | 0.00050*** |
(0.000008) | (0.000099) | (0.000002) | (0.000040) | |
Excellent | 0.00276*** | 0.00292*** | 0.00161*** | 0.00151*** |
(0.000056) | (0.000256) | (0.000019) | (0.000119) | |
Observations | 307,585 | 85,397 | 1,325,941 | 356,427 |
Notes: (1) Additional covariates are gender, age, age-squared, race, ethnicity, education, year, state of residence, residence in an MSA, number of children in the family, marital status, and health insurance status. (2) Standard errors in SIPP data are clustered standard errors by person to account for the stacked-panel design of the data set.
Working-age population is all individuals aged twenty-two to sixty-two.
Low-income population is all individuals of working age with a pretax, size-adjusted family income less than twice the federal poverty level for a single individual.
* significant at 10% level, ** significant at 5% level
significant at 1% level.
Source: Author's calculations based on SIPP and March CPS data.