[TF] = 15 fmol/cm2,
shear rate 500 s−1. (A) No fXI and
near-wall platelet count (#/μL) 250,000
(solid) or 750,000 (dashed).
Plots of [Plt-VIIIa:IXa] and [fIIa] versus time. (B and
C) Near-wall platelet count 750,000.
(B) [fIIa] versus [TF] after 10 min and
20 min with NfXI (solid) and with no fXI
(dashed). (C) [Plt-VIIIa:IXa],
[Plt-Va:Xa], and [fIIa] versus time with NfXI (solid) and
with no fXI (dashed). (A and
C, vertical lines) When
platelets covered 99% of the SE.