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. 1997 Sep-Oct;8(5):257–264. doi: 10.1155/1997/215175


Estimated lifetime costs from a societal perspective of the most expensive complications from measles, mumps and rubella

Total cost per patient
Encephalitis (1995 dollars)* Deafness (1995 dollars)†‡ CRS-mental retardation (1995 dollars)
Direct costs
Consultations 652 31 546
Hospitalization 8,453 0 0
Investigations 0 6,600 46
Allied health workers 0 109 93
Medication 0 0 0
Medical equipment 0 10,386 0

Total 9,105 17,126 685
Indirect costs
Days missed from work
  Caregivers and patients 893 88,213 4,196
  Long term disability 0 21,428 21,428

Total 893 109,641 25,624
Direct nonmedical costs
Special schools 0 156,000 0
Institutionalization 1,961,291 94,789 904,278
Rehabilitation 0 186 887,125

Total 1,961,291 250,975 1,791,403

Complication due to measles;

Complication due to mumps;

Complication due to rubella. CRS Congential rubella syndrome