Fig. 5.
DA treatment up-regulates KLF2 expression in TEC. Western blot (A) and confocal images (B) show high expression of KLF2 in TEC isolated from DA-treated PC3 and HT29 tumors. TEC isolated from mice receiving treatment with the DA D2 receptor antagonist eticlopride before treatment with DA did not show this high expression of KLF2. (C) Western blot analysis confirming the presence of DA D2 receptors in TEC isolated from PC3 and HT29 tumors but not in control S180 cells. (D) Western blot shows the presence of DA D2 receptors in HUVEC. (E) Western blot analysis and (F) confocal images show up-regulation of KLF2 in HUVEC following treatment with DA and the DA D2 receptor-specific agonist quinpirole (Quin) for 6 h. However, the up-regulation of KLF2 expression was abrogated by prior treatment of HUVEC with eticlopride. (Scale bars in B and F, 50 μm.)