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. 2011 Oct 18;119(1):296–307. doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-06-364265

Table 6.

Multivariate analyses of risk factors for overall survival

Variable SD
n RR 95% CI P n RR 95% CI P
Treatment category .02
    1: MA + TBI + PBSC 709 1.00
    2: MA + TBI + BM 245 0.79 0.63-1.00 .05
    3: MA + nonTBI + PBSC 1017 1.02 0.88-1.18 .81
    4: MA + nonTBI + BM 492 0.78 0.65-0.94 .01
    5: RIC + PBSC 622 0.97 0.83-1.14 .73
    6: RIC + BM 67 0.85 0.57-1.26 .42
GVHD prophylaxis .04
    CSA + MTX ± other 2645 1.00
    Tacrolimus ± MTX ± other 484 0.83 0.72-0.96 .01
    Other 23 1.07 0.6-1.90 .82
Recipient age, y < .0001 .0002
    20-39 1342 1.00 940 1.00
    40-49 866 1.28 1.12-1.46 .0004 644 1.24 1.09-1.42 .001
    50+ 944 1.59 1.39-1.82 < .0001 786 1.29 1.13-1.46 .0001
Donor age, y
    18-29 710 1.00
    ≥ 30 1669 1.19 1.07-1.34 .002
KPS < .0001 < .0001
    < 80 256 1.00 216 1.00
    80-100 2789 0.52 0.45-0.61 < .0001 1906 0.68 0.58-0.81 < .0001
    Unknown 107 0.64 0.47-0.86 .004 248 0.59 0.47-0.74 < .0001
Disease < .0001 .02
    ALL 505 1.00 446 1.00
    AML 1362 0.68 0.59-0.80 < .0001 1044 0.87 0.75-1.00 .05
    CML 828 0.58 0.48-0.70 < .0001 463 0.81 0.68-0.97 .02
    MDS 457 0.53 0.43-0.66 < .0001 417 0.74 0.60-0.91 .005
Disease status at transplant < .0001 < .0001
    Early 1750 1.00 907 1.00
    Intermediate 520 1.51 1.31-1.75 < .0001 568 1.28 1.11-1.47 .0007
    Advanced 666 2.23 1.95-2.55 < .0001 707 2.15 1.88-2.46 < .0001
    Unknown 216 1.56 1.22-2.00 .0004 188 1.74 1.35-2.24 < .0001
Sex mismatch (D/R) .0008
    M/M, M/F, F/F 2397 1.00
    F/M 746 1.25 1.11-1.40 .0002
    Missing 9 0.69 0.17-2.78 .60
R/D CMV serostatus .003
    NN 738 1.00
    NP/PN/PP 1586 1.19 1.06-1.33 .003
    Missing 46 1.57 1.03-2.37 .03
ABO match .02
    Match 988 1.00
    Mismatch 1370 1.17 1.05-1.30 .004
    Missing 12 1.00 0.48-2.12 .99
HLA match < .0001
    8/8 matched 1532 1.00
    7/8 matched 614 1.23 1.09-1.38 .0006
    ≤ 6/8 matched 224 1.68 1.42-1.98 < .0001

Pairwise comparisons significant for the treatment categories were as follows for SD, treatment category 2 versus treatment category 3 (P = .03), treatment category 3 versus treatment category 4 (P = .003) and treatment category 4 versus treatment category 5 (P = .03); and for URD, none.

RR, relative risk; KPS, Karnofsky performance score; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; D, donor; R, recipient; M, male; F, female; N, negative; P, positive; CSA, cyclosporine; MTX, methotrexate; and MA, myeloablative.