Figure 1.
Schema of salient configurations for arterial G&R. New constituents k = c and m having natural (stress-free) configurations (typically unmeasurable and denoted by dashed bodies), are incorporated into evolving in vivo mixture configurations κ(·) (potentially measurable and denoted by solid bodies); deposition tensors Gk(τ) describe motions from individual natural configurations to the in vivo mixture configuration κ(τ) at intermediate time τ ∈ [0, s]. Deformation gradients F(τ) and F(s) describe motions from the reference configuration κ(0) to κ(τ) and κ(s), respectively. Thus, describes motions from to κ(s). Note that the concept of constant target states and deposition stretches requires Gk(τ) ≡ Gk. (not shown) is identically Gk. The special case F(τ) = I, representing tissue maintenance, recovers , as expected. Letting F(τ) = Gk = I, where the reference configuration is identically the natural configuration, recovers the classical result , as desired.