Figure 4.
(A) Breast cancer care pathway: estimating the number of women in the UK, 2008*. (B) Colorectal cancer care pathway: estimating the number of people in the UK, 2008*. (C) Lung cancer care pathway: estimating the number of people in the UK, 2008*. *For each cancer type, the size of the boxes reflects the approximate proportion of people in each phase (however, there is double counting for people who are diagnosed and die in the same year – these numbers are indicated in brackets; i.e., ‘XX 000 year 1’). Median survival for incurable disease was taken from Frontier Economics (2010) and is 3 years for breast and 2.5 years for colorectal. Estimates for progressive illness for lung cancer have not been made. Estimates for later monitoring for lung cancer exclude 8000 men >20 years from diagnosis. The total for men in this group was thought to be an overestimate and is likely to be nearer 6000 than the modelled 14 000 (Maddams et al, 2009). Sources: Maddams et al (2009); Office for National Statistics (2009, 2010a, 2010b); Cancer Research UK (2010); Frontier Economics (2010); Information Services Division (ISD) Scotland (2010); Northern Ireland Cancer Registry (2011); Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit (2010); Office for National Statistics and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2011).