Figure 7.
Time- and tissue-scale-resolved accumulation of DCS in N. attenuata plants. Wild-type (WT) plants were grown in sand; at each developmental stage, a single fully expanded rosette leaf at the +1 position was OS elicited, and 3 d later, samples from representative plant parts were collected and analyzed by HPLC-PDA. The dotted arrows show the position of the locally W+OS-elicited rosette leaf at different stages of development. DH29 transcripts, shown in the gray inset, were analyzed by RT-qPCR from tissues at the elongated stage of development. R, Root; SB, stem basal; SU, stem upper; SeL, senescent leaf; OL, old leaf; LL, locally W+OS-induced rosette leaf; SL, systemic rosette leaf; 1SL, first stem leaf; YL, young stem leaf; B, flower buds; EB, elongating flower buds; F, open flowers; GC, green capsules with seeds; RC, ripe capsules with seeds; FM, fresh mass; nd, metabolite not detected in the sample. Only samples with the abbreviated label on x axes in each graph and developmental stage were available for HPLC-PDA. The distribution and accumulation of two herbivory-noninducible phenylpropanoid metabolites, CGA and rutin, from an identical set of samples are shown for comparison in Supplemental Figure S11.