Figure 6.
The structure of the AtTLP18.3-pSer complex. A, The binding site of AtTLP18.3 can be identified with a dephosphorylated pSer and a calcium ion in the structure of AtTLP18.3. A bound calcium ion is represented by the yellow sphere, and a Ser is represented by a stick. B, The substrate-binding site of AtTLP18.3. The residue Ser is contoured by a 1.0 σ 2Fo-Fc map and is surrounded by the residues V101, D102, and K112. The yellow dashes represent hydrogen bonds. C, Hydrogen bonding for calcium ion in AtTLP18.3. Six coordinates for calcium ion (Ca) were formed by an oxygen atom of S85, a carbonyl group and a carboxylic group of D103, a carbonyl group of R136, and two water molecules (denoted by wa). The yellow dashes represent hydrogen bonds.