Involvement of the repression domain for the function of HsfB1. A and B, Phenotypes of 12-d-old seedlings (A) and 24-d-old rosettes (B) of Pro35S:HsfB1, Pro35S:mutHsfB1, and wild-type (Wt) plants grown on a agar plate at 23°C (non-heat condition). C, Magnified images from B showing small and crinkly leaves of Pro35S:HsfB1 plants. D, Phenotypes of roots of Pro35S:HsfB1, Pro35S:mutHsfB1, and wild-type plants grown on a vertical agar plate at 23°C for 18 d. E, Quantitative analysis by quantitative RT-PCR of the expression of HS-inducible genes in roots of two independent transgenic lines of Pro35S:HsfB1 (red and pink bars; B1ox), Pro35S:mutHsfB1 (blue and light blue bars; mutB1ox), and wild-type plants (black bars) at 23°C. RNAs were extracted from roots of more than 10 individual plants of each line. The level of expression in the wild-type roots was taken as 1. Error bars indicate the sd of the technical replicate (n = 3). Asterisks indicate P values below 0.05 between the wild type and others.