Fig. 6.
Robo2 regulates subtype-specific projection patterns. (A-B′) Trigeminal axonal morphology in wild-type and robo2–/– zebrafish. Red arrowheads point to branches. Trpa1b axonal morphology in robo2–/– is indistinguishable from that of wild type (A,A′). By contrast, there is a noticeable increase in branch length and varicosity number in the Isl1SS subtype in robo2–/– (B,B′). (C-E) Comparison of Trpa1b morphology in wild type (green) versus robo2–/– (black). No differences were seen in varicosity number (C), branch number (D) or branch length (E). (F-H) Comparison of Isl1SS morphology in wild type (magenta) versus robo2–/– (black). Significant differences were seen in varicosity number (F) and branch length (H), but not branch number (G). Error bars indicate s.e.m. *, P<0.05; ***, P<0.001. Scale bars: 100 μm.