The burst-promoting effect of BK channels depends on their activation time constant. A, Voltage time course of a mostly spiking GH4 cell in control conditions (left). Very few events are bursts as seen in the histogram of event durations (right). B, Injecting via dynamic clamp an artificial BK conductance (gBK = 0.5 nS) with τBK = 5 ms switches the electrical activity to bursting. C, Slowing BK conductance activation using τBK = 10 ms decreases burstiness. The activity is now a mix of spikes and bursts. D, Slower BK activation (τBK = 20 ms) prevents the burst-promoting effect of the BK conductance. The activity is mostly spiking as in control. E, The effects of activation time constant (τBK) on burstiness in eight different cells (the bold curve corresponds to the cell illustrated in A–D). F, Summary of the time constant effect over the eight cells.