Figure 1. SPARC expression is downregulated in aggressive prostate and breast tumors.
(A) SPARC expression levels, as assessed by gene expression analyses on tumors (“Array”), and by quantitative PCR on tumors (“Subcutaneous”) and on tissue culture cells (“Tissue Culture”), are shown for poorly metastatic PC3-#78 cells (black bars), moderately metastatic PC3-pMicro1 cells (dotted bars) and highly metastatic PC3-#82 cells (gray bars). Within each set of comparisons, the fold change in SPARC expression was expressed relative to SPARC expression in PC3-#82 cells, which was set to 1. (B) Analysis of data originally obtained by Dhanasekaran et al. [44], revealed that SPARC is highly expressed in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and normal prostate tissue, and significantly downregulated in both prostate cancer (CaP) and metastatic CaP (p < 0.01 for CaP or metastatic CaP versus BPH or normal prostate tissue). (C) Analysis of data obtained by van’t Veer et al. [42], revealed that breast cancer patients with low SPARC expression exhibited increased likelihood of developing metastases within 5 years of diagnosis, relative to patients with higher SPARC expression (p = 0.026 by log rank test).