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. 2011 Apr 5;7(1):53–63. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsr023

Table 2.

Regions showing a main effect at P < 0.05 with FWE correction at the cluster level for contrasts Affective ToM > PC, Cognitive ToM > PC, Affective ToM > Cognitive ToM and Cognitive ToM > Affective ToM

Brain region BA L/R Peak voxel k z Cluster corrected, P-value
Affective ToM > PC
    Precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex 31, 7 R 8 −54 26 2382 6.81 <0.001
23 L −6 −46 26 5.40
    STS/TPJ ext. occipitotemporal cortex 40, 39, 19 L −54 −50 18 883 6.24 <0.001
    Medial/ventromedial prefrontal cortex 9, 10 R 10 50 22 948 5.66 <0.001
10 L −8 54 0 4.29
    Temporal pole 38, 21 R 50 8 −24 1326 5.62 <0.001
    STS/TPJ ext. occipitotemporal cortex 40, 19 R 52 −48 20 1404 5.06 <0.001
    Temporal pole 21 L −62 −10 −14 426 4.73 <0.001
Cognitive ToM > PC
    Precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex 31, 7 R 8 −60 26 7555 7.73 <0.001
    ext. occipitotemporal cortex 19 L −40 −80 22 6.02
    STS/TPJ 40, 39 R 50 −48 20 1337 4.82 <0.001
    Temporal pole 21, 22 R 56 −6 −16 480 4.69 <0.001
    Temporal pole 21 L −62 −12 −12 138 4.45 0.043
Affective ToM > Cognitive ToM
    Precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex 23, 7 L −6 −52 26 280 4.34 0.002
31 R 4 −54 28 3.89
    Temporal pole 38, 21 R 50 10 −24 195 3.97 0.015
Cognitive ToM > Affective ToM
    Inferior temporal gyrus 37 L −46 −54 −6 17 121 7.30 <0.001
    ext. parahippocampal gyrus 19 R 30 −44 −10 7.04
    ext. precuneus 7 L −20 −76 50 6.86
    Premotor cortex 6 L −22 8 52 1130 6.05 <0.001
    Premotor cortex 6 R 24 8 52 1045 5.49 <0.001
    Premotor cortex 6 L −40 −8 30 466 4.42 <0.001
    ext. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9 L −46 4 36 3.91

BA = Brodmann area. Where more than one BA is shown, the peak voxel falls in the first BA, but the cluster extends to include the others listed. L/R = left/right, peak voxel = MNI xyz co-ordinates, k = cluster size.