Table A1.
MIMS-compliant metadata for lost city and tablelands metagenomes.
MIMARKS fields | Description | Units | Lost_City_biofilm_LC0443 | Tablelands_spring_WHC2B | Tablelands_spring_TLE |
submitted_to_insdc | Submitted to insdc | MG-RAST | MG-RAST | MG-RAST | |
investigation_type | Investigation type | Metagenome | Metagenome | Metagenome | |
project_name | Project name | Serpentinite springs | Serpentinite springs | Serpentinite springs | |
lat_lon | Geographic location (latitude and longitude) | 30.12, −42.12 | 49.4653, −57.9576 | 49.4730, −57.9813 | |
geo_loc_name | Geographic location (country and/or sea region) | Atlantic ocean | Canada | Canada | |
collection_date | Collection date | 2005-07-27 | 2010-08-25 | 2010-06-17 | |
biome | Environment (biome) | Extreme habitat | Extreme habitat | Extreme habitat | |
feature | Environment (feature) | – | – | – | |
material | Environment (material) | – | – | – | |
env_package | Environmental package | Microbial mat/biofilm | Water | water | |
samp_collect_device | Sample collection device or method | ROV grab | Suction through tubing and syringe, collection in Nalgene bottles | Suction through tubing and syringe, collection in Nalgene bottles | |
samp_mat_process | Sample material processing | None | 0.2 μm Sterivex filtering | 0.2 μm Sterivex filtering | |
samp_size | amount or size of sample collected | kg or L | 1 | 10 | 1.2 |
nucl_acid_ext | Nucleic acid extraction | doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0013530 | This study | This study | |
nucl_acid_amp | Nucleic acid amplification | None | None | This study | |
lib_reads_seqd | Library reads sequenced | 46,360 | 118,348 | 135,538 | |
lib_vector | Library vector | pUC18 | NA | NA | |
seq_meth | Sequencing method | JGI Sanger end-sequencing | EnGenCore 454 Titanium | EnGenCore 454 Titanium | |
assembly | Assembly | JGI standard | Geneious medium sensitivity | Geneious medium sensitivity | |
diss_hydrogen | Dissolved hydrogen | mmol/kg | 13 | 0.235 | 0.065–0.18 |
ph | pH | 10.7 | 12.06 | 10.5 | |
redox_potential | Redox potential | mV | NA | −733 | +25 |
MG_RAST ID | MG_RAST ID | 4461585.3, 4470602.3 | 4460690.3, 4461619.3 | 4460689.3, 4461618.3 | |
sample_id | Brazelton/Schrenk internal sample ID | H03_072705_R0424 | TL10_57 | TL10_40 |