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. 2011 Jul 3;8(5 Suppl):66–82. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v8i5S.1

Table 5.

Some important examples of kupipakva rasayana

Name Major therapeutic indications (Anonymous 1978)
Kantavallabha rasa Malabsorption syndrome, spleen disorders, anemia, weakness, emaciation,
oligospermia, asthma, fever, management of piles etc
Makara Dhvaja Weakness of the heart, Senility/Premature ageing, Fever, digestive impairment.
Aphrodisiac and nutrient to body and mind with adaptoimmuno-neuro-endocrino-modulator
Mallasindura Bronchial asthma; disease due to Vata and Kapha doshas
Kapha dosha) and Syphilis
Rasasindura Diarrhoea and dysentery , worm infestation, skin and blood disorders, digestive
impairment, Microbial infection and Tastelessness
Rasapuspa Gastro-enteritis with piercing pain), ascites, dysuria etc
Rasasindura Disease due to Kapha dosha, loss of strength / immunity, tissue wasting, weakness of
the heart,
colicky Pain, fistula-in-ano, tuberculosis, anaemia, obesity, ulcer etc.
Vatagni kumara rasa Cough, dyspnoea/asthma, fever, Vataroga (disease due to
Vata dosha)
Samirapannaga rasa Disease due to vitiation of all the three Doshas), stiffness in joints due to Kapha Dosha,
fever, dyspnoea, Asthma, cough
Svarnavanga Chronic cough, dyspnoea/asthma, diabetes and polyurias and diseases of urinary tract
Svarna sindura Oligospermia, tissue wasting, learning disability and all diseases