Caspases and Bim are involved in cell death upon autophagy blockade. (a) Flow cytometry analysis of splenocytes from WT, 4cre BECN1−/−, Bim−/− and 4cre BECN1−/− Bim−/− mice. (b) CD4+ T cells from WT, 4cre BECN1 fl/fl, Bim−/− and BECN1/BIM DKO were stimulated for 72 h with or without chemical inhibitors. Results are presented as a survival ratio based on live cells relative to that of untreated WT cells, which is set as 1. Pairwise t-test statistical analysis was completed for each treatment group relative to untreated BECN1 fl/fl group survival ratio. **P<0.001 and *P< 0.05