Expression of desat1 in the adult antenna and brain. GFP expression in the third antennal segment (A) and in the brain (B) driven by different PRR(desat1) transgenes. (A) Antennal expression driven both by the complete PRR [PRR(-6908)-GFP] and by the fat body PRR [PRR(RC)-GFP] was detected in the giant epidermal cells (indicated by triangles). Expression driven both by the PRR(-6908)-GFP and by the PRR(-1102)-GFP transgenes was detected in the trichoid (arrowhead) and large basiconic sensilla (arrows). (Scale bars, 50 μm.) (B) In the brain, GFP expression was targeted by the PRR(RA)-Gal4, PRR(RD)-Gal4, and PRR(-1102)-Gal4 transgenes. More specifically, expression was detected in the PI [PRR(RA), PRR(-1102)], in the EB [PRR(RA)], AL (three transgenes), SOG [PRR(RA); PRR(-1102)], and OL (three transgenes). Moreover, PRR(-1102)-Gal4 induced a strong expression in the PI, SOG, and scattered cells of the central brain and OLs. The two latter PRR(desat1)-Gal4 drivers also induced a faint expression in the MBs. (Scale bars, 100 μm.)