Table 2.
The d values for misreading of single-mismatch codons by
A-site codon * | Maximal accuracy, d† |
CAA | 15,400 ± 2,900 |
UAA | 4,990 ± 460 |
GAA | 5,170 ± 460 |
ACA | 24,900 ± 4,800 |
AUA | 10,700 ± 2,000 |
AGA | 8,800 ± 1,600 |
AAC | 3,640 ± 340 |
AAU | 1,530 ± 140 |
AAG | 9.0 ± 1.5 |
*Deviation from the fully matched AAA codon is underlined.
†Relative to the matched AAA codon.