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. 2012 Jan;2(1):a007153. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a007153

Table 1.

Natural host species harboring simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs)

Genus Common name Species SIV
Pan Chimpanzees troglodytes troglodytes SIVcpzPtt
troglodytes schweinfurthi SIVcpzPts
Gorilla Gorilla gorilla SIVgor
Cercocebus Sooty mangabey atys SIVsmm
Redcapped mangabey torquatus SIVrcm
Mandrillus Mandrill sphinx SIVmnd-1, mnd-2
Drill leucophaeus SIVdrl
Miopithecus Talapoin talapoin SIVtal
Colobus Black and white colobus guerza SIVcol
Procolobus Olive colobus verus SIVolc
Pilocolobus Western red colobus badius SIVwrc
Chlorocebus African green monkeys
Sabaeus sabaeus SIVagmSab
Vervet pygerythrus SIVagmVer
Tantalus tantalus SIVagmTan
Grivet aethiops SIVagmGri
Cercopithecus The guenons
Greater spot-nosed nictitans SIVgsn
Blue monkey mitis SIVblu
Mona monkey mona SIVmon
Dents' monkey denti SIVden
Moustached monkey cephus SIVmus
Red-eared monkey erythrotis SIVery
Redtailed monkey ascanius SIVasc
DeBrazza neglectus SIVdeb
Sykes monkey albogularis SIVsyk
L'Hoests monkey l'hoesti SIVlho
Suntailed monkey solatus SIVsun
Preussis monkey preussi SIVpre