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. 2012 Jan 6;7(1):e29752. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029752

Table 8. Bottom 10 criteria rank-ordered by mean score by the public and professional focus groups.

Rank Focus group Criteria Themes Human, animal or pathogen/disease Mean Score
35 Public Seasonality of the disease+ Disease epidemiology Disease 3.6
34 Public Endemicity of the disease due to climate Disease epidemiology Disease 4.1
33 Public Socioeconomic burden of the disease in humans Socioeconomic impact Human 4.1
32 Public Reproductive consequences in humans Burden of illness Human 4.4
31 Public Geographic distribution of the disease+ International considerations Pathogen/disease 4.8
30 Public Disease in human beyond control measures Control measures Human 4.8
29 Public Disease trend Disease epidemiology Disease 5.0
28 Public Co-infection in humans Burden of illness Human 5.1
27 Public Geographic source of the disease International considerations Pathogen/disease 5.1
26 Public Immunogenicity in humans+ Disease epidemiology Human 5.2
46 Professional Seasonality of the disease+ Disease epidemiology Disease 3.3
45 Professional Test characteristics in humans (accuracy, multiple tests) Diagnosis Human 3.9
44 Professional Geographic distribution of the disease+ International considerations Pathogen/disease 4.0
43 Professional High-risk groups in animals Disease epidemiology Animal 4.5
42 Professional Immunogenicity in humans+ Disease epidemiology Human 4.6
41 Professional Ease of diagnosis and lead-time in diagnosis in humans Diagnosis Human 4.9
40 Professional Risk of endemicity in humans Disease epidemiology Human 5.0
39 Professional Scientific knowledge of the disease Disease knowledge Pathogen/disease 5.1
38 Professional Potential to eradicate the disease in humans Control measures Human 5.1
37 Professional Risk of endemicity in animals Disease epidemiology Animal 5.1

Shared criterion identified as one of bottom ten criteria by both the public and the professional groups.