Figure 2. Action potential bursts evoked in TLE neurons by synaptic stimulation are profoundly suppressed by adenosine.
Stimulation of mEC layer III consistently evoked bursts of APs in mEC layer II neurons in TLE (A, left trace). In contrast, only a single AP could be evoked from control neurons (B, left trace). The profound inhibitory effects of adenosine in TLE neurons (500 nM, 1 μM and 100 μM) are shown on the top panel of A. In B, the same concentrations were applied to control neurons, but had little effect. Dashed lines represent -60 mV. In C, bar chart shows the enhanced concentration dependent effect of adenosine on TLE neurons compared to control. Bars represent means ± S.E.M. # P < 0.005, t P < 0.001.