Figure 6.
The J809.B5 TCRα chain induces a TCR rigid body movement and replaces the YAe62 TCRα contacts to MHC with TCRα contacts to the peptide.
(A) A rigid body movement rotates the J809.B5 TCRβ chain 1–2 Å towards the peptide; J809.B5 TCRβ (green), J809.B5 TCRα (orange), YAe62β (red) and YAe62α (blue).
(B) The YAe62 CDR1 αY29 (blue) contacts IAb βT77 and βH81 whereas as the J809.B5 CDR1α (orange) makes no contact with the IAbβ chain.
(C) The J809.B5 CDR3α (orange) makes extensive contacts with the P-1E and P3K residues of the peptide whereas the YAe62 CDR3α (blue) makes very few. Salt bridge (black arrow) and hydrogen bonds (red dashed lines) between J809.B5 CDR3α and the 3K peptide are shown. Figures were made using PyMol (DeLano).