Figure 2.
Waveforms and Stages of Low Energy Defibrillation Therapy. A: Individual waveforms tested in Stage 1 (ST1) of the three-stage therapy. B: ST1+ST3 therapy. ST1 consists of 2 biphasic shocks delivered within 30-50% of the AF cycle length. ST3 consists of 8 bipolar atrial pacing stimuli delivered at 70-100% of the AF cycle length. C: ST1+ST2+ST3 therapy. ST1 consists of 2 biphasic shocks. ST2 consists of 8 lower voltage monophasic shocks, and ST3 consists of 8 atrial pacing stimuli. Each pulse in ST2 and ST3 is delivered at 70-100% of the AF cycle length. In both B and C, a delay of 100-400 ms separates each stage of therapy. MP, monophasic shock; BP, biphasic shock; AF, atrial fibrillation; CL, cycle length. ST1, stage 1; ST2, stage 2; ST3, stage 3.