Table 1. Parabasalian species used for the gene identification and phylogenetic analyses.
Species | Classa | Familyb | Host animal | SSU rRNA gene reference | GAPDH reference | Method for gene identification for actin and EF-1α |
Macrotrichomonas sp. | C | L (D) | Glyptotermes satsumensis | [46] | [46] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Metadevescovina cuspidata | C | L (D) | Incisitermes minor | [46] | [46] | PCR/WGA, pooled cells |
Foaina nana | C | L (D) | Cryptotermes domesticus | [46] | [46] | RT-PCR (actin), PCR/WGA (EF-1α), pooled cells |
Caduceia versatilis | C | L (D) | Cryptotermes cavifrons | [39] | [46] | RT-PCR, pooled cell |
Devescovina sp. | C | L (D) | Neotermes koshunensis | [35] | [55] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Gigantomonas herculea | C | L (D) | Hodotermes mossambicus | [46] | [46] | PCR/WGA (EF-1α), two cellsc |
Stephanonympha sp. CcSt | C | L (C) | Cryptotermes cavifrons | [46] | [46] | PCR/WGA, pooled cells |
Stephanonympha sp. NkSt | C | L (C) | Neotermes koshunensis | [35] | [55] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Snyderella tabogae | C | L (C) | Cryptotermes cavifrons | [37] | [46] | RT-PCR (actin), PCR/WGA (EF-1α), pooled cells |
Deltotrichonympha sp. | C | L (De) | Mastotermes darwiniensis | [34] | —d | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Joenina pulchella | C | L | Porotermes adamsoni | [46] | [46] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Joenia annectens | C | L | Kalotermes flavicollis | [46] | [46] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Joenoides intermedia | C | L | Hodotermes mossambicus | [46] | [46] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Spirotrichonympha leidyi | S | Hl (Sp) | Coptotermes formosanus | [35] | [55] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Holomastigotoides mirabile | S | Hl | Coptotermes formosanus | [35] | [55] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Staurojoenina assimilis | Tn | St | Incisitermes minor | [38] | This study | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Trichonympha agilis | Tn | Tn | Reticulitermes speratus | [31] | [54] | RT-PCR (actin), PCR/WGA (EF-1α), pooled cells |
Trichonympha sp. | Tn | Tn | Hodotermopsis sjoestedti | [35] | [47] | RT-PCR (actin), PCR/WGA (EF-1α), single cell |
Hoplonympha sp. | Tn | Hp | Hodotermopsis sjoestedti | [38] | This study | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Pseudotrichonympha grassii | Tn | Te (E) | Coptotermes formosanus | [35] | [55] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Eucomonympha sp. | Tn | Te (E) | Hodotermopsis sjoestedti | [38] | [47] | RT-PCR, single cell |
Teranympha mirabilis | Tn | Te | Reticulitermes speratus | [38] | [47] | RT-PCR, pooled cells |
Histomonas meleagridis | Tt | Di (M) | Meleagris gallopavo | [18] | [56] | PCR/genome DNA |
Dientamoeba fragilise | Tt | Di (M) | Homo sapiens | [15] | —d | PCR/genome DNA |
Tritrichomonas foetus | Tt | Tt (Tm) | Bos primigenus | [19] | [51] | PCR/genome DNA |
Monocercomonas sp. | Tt | M | Natrix sipedon | [14] | [51] | PCR/genome DNA |
Hypotrichomonas acosta | H | H (M) | Drymarchon corais couperi | [16] | [54] | PCR/genome DNA |
Trichomitus batrachorum | H | H (Tm) | Elaphe obsoleta | [17] | [51] | PCR/genome DNA |
Pentatrichomonas hominis | Tm | Tm | Homo sapiens | [17] | —e | —e |
Tetratrichomonas gallinarum | Tm | Tm | Anas platyrhynchos | [17] | [51] | PCR/genome DNA |
Trichomonas vaginalis | Tm | Tm | Homo sapiens | [14] | [51] e | Reference [74], [75] e |
Abbreviations of the classes are: C, Cristamonadea; Tt, Tritrichomonadea; S, Spirotrichonymphea; H, Hypotrichomonadea; Tm, Trichomonadea; and Tn, Trichonymphea.
When the family name has changed in the new parabasalian classification [26], the corresponding former name [1] is also indicated in parenthesis. Abbreviations of the families are the following: L, Lophomonadidae; D, Devescovinidae; C, Calonymphidae; De, Deltotrichonymphidae; Sp, Spirotrichonymphidae; Hl, Holomastigotoididae; St, Staurojoeninidae; Tn, Trichonymphidae; Hp, Hoplonymphidae; E, Eucomonymphidae; Te, Teranymphidae; Di, Dientamoebidae; Tt, Tritrichomonadidae; M, Monocercomonadidae; and Tm, Trichomonadidae.
We failed to identify the EF-1α gene in G. herculea.
The GAPDH genes of Deltotrichonympha sp. and D. fragilis were unavailable.
The EST data of P. hominis and the genome sequence of T. vaginalis [73] in the database were also used for phylogenetic analyses (see Materials and Methods).