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. 2012 Jan 9;7(1):e29965. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029965

Table 1. Physiological response properties of different PSTH groups in AVCN.

response properties PSTH-groupa Statistical analyses
PL PLN CT CS ANOVA Post-hoc testb
Frequency tuning curve n = 57 n = 48 n = 65 n = 37
CF [kHz] 2.3 (1.6; 7.8) 18.1 (10.1; 23. 15.2 (2.6; 29.0 14.6 (7.3; 19.6) P<0.001 (PL) (PLN CT CS)
TRS [dB] 32±22 34±15 28±18 23±19 P<0.05 (PL PLN CT) (PL CT CS)
CF-BF [octaves] 0 (0;−0.66) 0.21 (0; 1.08) 0.09 (0; −0.90) 0 (0;−0.29) P = 0.197 (PL PLN CT CS)
BF-CF [Hz] 8 (0; 25) 8 (0; 29) 14 (0; 47) 4 (0; 15) P = 0.090 (PL PLN CT CS)
spontR [Hz] 32 (3; 59) 1 (0;27) 0 (0; 17) 7 (0; 26) P<0.001 (PL) (PLN CT CS)
maxR [Hz] 162 (126; 216) 183 (140; 220) 298 (255; 365) 410 (284; 486) P<0.001 (PL PLN) (CT CS)
Q10 2.11 (1.47; 2.80) 2.28 (1.57; 3.47) 1.89 (1.25; 3.29) 2.20 (1.38; 3.23) P = 0.772 (PL PLN CT CS)
DR [dB] 30 (20; 44) 30 (25; 45) 40 (30; 55) 45 (35; 51) P<0.001 (PL PLN) (CT CS)
difference of slopes [octaves/10 dB] 0.16 (0.06; 0.25) 0.12 (0.03; .23) 0.07 (0.08; 0.36) 0.02 (0.01; 0.18) P<0.05 (PL PLN CT) (PLN CT CS)
PSTH n = 34 n = 42 n = 58 n = 36
peak-over-total [%] 9.8±4.9 6.3±4.3 8.4±3.4 13.8±4.1 P<0.001 (PL CT) (PLN) (CS)
ISI mean [ms] 3.4 (2.8; 4.8) 3.8 (3.1; 4.6) 2.6 (2.2; 3.1) 2.0 (1.6; 2.8) P<0.001 (PL PLN) (CT CS)
ISI S.D. [ms] 2.18 (1.7; 2.4) 2.40 (1.6; 2.9) 1.34 (1.0; 2.0) 0.58 (0.4; 0.9) P<0.001 (PL PLN) (CT) (CS)
FSL mean [ms] 4.50 (4.0; 6.6) 3.76 (3.3; 4.7) 3.88 (3.4; 4.3) 3.88 (3.4; 4.3) P<0.01 (PL) (PLN CT CS)
FSL jitter [ms] 1.15 (0.6; 2.1) 0.44 (0.2; 0.9) 0.25 (0.2; 0.8) 0.39 (0.2; 0.7) P<0.001 (PL) (PLN CT CS)
SAM n = 18 n = 13 n = 16 n = 10
VS max 0.52±0.16 0.63±0.16 0.69±0.13 0.72±0.14 P<0.01 (PL PLN) (PLN CT CS)
fmod VSmax [Hz] 50 (20;100) 200 (88; 625) 200 (150; 200) 200 (200; 300) P<0.01 (PL) (PLN CT CS)
fmod VS>0,3 [Hz] 400 (200; 600) 1000 (575; 1000) 500 (400; 750) 650 (400;900) P<0.05 (PL CT CS) (PLN CT CS)
entr max 0.59±0.15 0.72±0.12 0.79±0.13 0.93±0.09 P<0.001 (PL) (PLN CT) (CS)
fmod entr max [Hz] 100 (50; 200) 200 (100; 200) 200 (200; 300) 300 (300; 400) P<0.001 (PL PLN) (CS CT)
Waveform n = 23 n = 37 n = 51 n = 32
SNR 7.4 (6.3; 9.1) 6.3 (5.5; 7.6) 8.4 (6.9; 11.0) 12.0 (7.9; 14.5) P<0.001 (PL PLN) (PL CT) (CT CS)
t(AP) [ms] 0.26 (0.23; 0.32) 0.32 (0.27; 0.36) 0.28 (0.23; 0.32) 0.28 (0.23; 0.35) P<0.05 (PL PLN CT CS)

abbreviations explained in methods.

categorical values are described in text.


Means ± S.D./Median (25%, 75%).


PSTH groups that do not significantly differ are within one parentheses.