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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Contemp Clin Trials. 2011 Sep 17;33(1):29–37. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2011.08.011

Table 3.

Sample Questions from the Comprehensive Survey

  • What types of adult treatment programs do you provide (check all that apply)?

  •  Inpatient (acute detox or hospital based)

  •  Residential treatment program (RTP)

  •  Outpatient care

typical length of stay/duration_____
typical length of stay/duration_____
typical length of stay/duration_____

  • How many clients with stimulant abuse or dependence do you admit to RTP or 24-hour care per month?

  • What is the typical range of expected stay in residential treatment for clients with stimulant abuse or dependence?

  • What percentage of your clients with stimulant abuse or dependence drop out of residential treatment before completing treatment?

  • When do drop-outs typically occur for clients with stimulant abuse or dependence (how much time after treatment begins)?

  • What percent of clients with stimulant abuse or dependence are still in treatment at your RTP at each of these time points:

 2 weeks? 1 month?

  • When a client is referred to RTP, do you know ahead of time whether they will be funded for at least a 21-day stay?

  • Do you know in advance, at RTP admission, who would likely continue outpatient treatment in close proximity to the study site so we could only enroll those clients in the study?

  • Do you have outpatient treatment in your own system, at the same physical location as the RTP (which will have the exercise equipment and classes)?

    • If yes, on average, how many (the actual number) stimulant abusing or dependent clients discharged from your RTP are referred there per month?

    • How many weeks is that outpatient program (if series of programs, please explain)?

    • How many times a week is the client expected to come in (if several in sequence, please explain)?

    • If you referred 10 stimulant-abusing/dependent clients to outpatient treatment at the RTP location at discharge, how many would actually attend the first outpatient treatment appointment?

    • How many would still be in outpatient one month later?

    • How many would complete your outpatient program?

  • We will locate exercise equipment, health education classes and research coordinators to collect study data at the RTP’s facilities. Would you allow participants to continue to exercise, have health education, and meet with the research staff at your facility for the full 9 months of the study even if they have discontinued your residential treatment program (e.g., due to substance use or other reasons that caused them leave treatment)?