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. 2011 Dec 29;2011:160250. doi: 10.1155/2011/160250

Table 1.

Thermal ablative methods in clinical use for the treatment of cancer and described effects on the immune system.

Immune Modulation
Treatment Indication Characteristics/principle Component Effect Ref. Species
Radiofrequency Clinical indication: primary and Mechanism: application of Cytokines + [5154] Human
(RF) ablation secondary malignancies in liver, alternating RF current through tip Danger + [5561] Animal
kidney, lung, and bone applicator placed around and in signals + [62, 63] Human
[2, 8, 17, 49] tumor tissue resulting in heat and Granulocytes + [64, 65] Animal
coagulative necrosis [54, 66] Human
Experimental application: tumors NK cells + [61] Animal
of the breast [50] Approach: percutaneous, open, + [67] Human
and intraoperative Monocytes/ + [66] Animal
Image guidance: US, CT, and MRI DC + [68, 69] Animal
[51] Human
T cells* + [49, 57, 65, 6874] Animal
+ [70, 7578] Human
Treg [54] Human
B cells + [75] Human
Antibodies* + [78] Human

Cryoablation Clinical indication: primary and Mechanism: application of cold Cytokines + [39, 83] Animal
secondary malignancies in liver, through gaseous evaporation at + [36, 84, 85] Human
kidney, and prostate, as well as the tip of a cryoprobe. Repetitive Danger ?
dermatologic and ophthalmologic freezing and thawing cycles lead to signals
tumors [4, 33, 79, 80]. direct cellular damage through ice Granulocytes + [86] Animal
Experimental Application: tumors crystals, vascular and endothelial NK cells + [83] Animal
of the breast [81]. injury, and eventually thrombosis + [87] Human
and ischemia [79, 82] resulting in Monocytes/ + [86, 88] Animal
coagulative necrosis and apoptosis Macrophages
at the ablation margin DC + [69] Animal
Approach: percutaneous, open, T cells + [38, 69, 79, 83, 8998] Animal
intraoperative + [85, 87, 99102] Human
Treg + [103, 104] Animal
[105] Human
Image guidance: US, CT, and MRI B cells + [91] Animal
Antibodies* + [86, 106113] Animal
+ [41, 87, 114116] Human

Microwave Clinical indication: mainly used for Mechanism: application of Cytokines ? [117] Animal
ablation therapy treatment of HCC, but also other microwaves through tip applicator Danger +
(MWA) primary and leading to coagulative necrosis signals
secondary [21] Granulocytes ?
malignancies of the liver [21, 22] NK cells + [118] Animal
Approach: percutaneous, open, + [119] Human
and intraoperative Monocytes/ + [119] Human
DC ?
Image guidance: US, CT, and MRI T cells + [118] Animal
+ [22, 119, 120] Human
Treg ?
B cells + [22] Human
Antibodies ?

High-intensity Experimental application: primary Mechanism: application of focused Cytokines ?
focused and secondary malignancies in ultrasound beams of Danger + [122] Human
Ultrasound breast, liver, pancreas, kidney, high-intensity resulting in signals
(HIFU) bone, prostate, and coagulative necrosis Granulocytes ?
soft-tissue-tumors [121] NK cells + [123] Human
Monocytes/ ?
Approach: noninvasive Macrophages
DC ?
Image guidance: noninvasive T cells + [121, 124] Animal
real-time US + [27, 125, 126] Human
Treg ?
B cells + [27] Human
Antibodies ?

Laser induced Clinical indication: broadly applied Mechanism: placement of multiple Cytokines + [130] Human
thermotherapy for photocoagulation in retinal simultaneous fired laser fibers into Danger signals + [131] Animal
(LITT) disease [127], primary, and a tumor resulting in coagulative necrosis [129] Granulocytes
secondary malignancies of the NK cells ?
liver [128]
Experimental application: primary Approach: percutaneous Monocytes/ ?
and secondary malignancies of the Macrophages
breast, brain, bone, and prostate DC ?
[129] Image guidance: MRI, CT, and US T cells + [128, 132] Animal
Treg ?
B cells ?
Antibodies ?

Asterisks indicate allocation of T-cell or antibody responses to defined antigens.

Ref., reference number.