Fig. 4.
Conditioned medium obtained from MEECs has a greater inhibitory effect on vSMC proliferation compared to that from ECs grown on TCPS. (a) The supernatant of HACEs grown in 10% control or uremic sera for 48 h were considered to be CM. VSMCs seeded and serum starved in 0.1% FBS for 16 h were treated with CM diluted 1:2 (5% human serum) for 16 h followed by addition of 1 μCi 3[H] thymidine per well. The inclusion of 3[H] thymidine was assayed after 24 h of addition of radioactivity. Mean results of six samples are shown. Error bars = SD (b) Cell lysates of vSMCs treated for 48 h with 5% sera (control = Ctr, uremic = Ure) or CM from gTCPS and MEEC were probed for cyclin D1. Actin served as loading control. Representative immunoblot from two experiments. (c) Quantification of immunoblot using densitometry with cyclin D1 normalized to actin signal.