Fig. 1.
Characterization of the suc2-5 mutant. (A) Scheme of the SUC2 gene with the confirmed insertion sites of suc2-4 (SALK_038124) and suc2-5 (SALK_087046). Black, exons; white, introns; LB, left border; small black arrows, primer binding sites and primer orientation. (B) Semi-quantitative RT-PCRs on total RNA from wt and suc2-5 plants showing the abundance of a SUC2 mRNA fragment spanning the insertion site (SUC2a, primers #1 and #2) and of an mRNA fragment upstream from the insertion site (SUC2b, primers #1 and #3). ACTIN2 transcript (ACT2) was used as control for amounts of cDNA. (C, D) Phenotype of wt, heterozygous (he) and homozygous (ho) suc2-5 plants at 27 d after germination (dag) (C) and at 41 dag (D). Arrow indicates the tiny homozygous plant. (E) Homozygous suc2-5 plant (48 dag) with anthocyanin accumulation at the leaf margins. Edge length of pots: 6.5 cm.