Fig. 3.
Regulation of SnRK2 during ABA treatment. (A) Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from wheat roots. SnRK2 proteins were detected using an antibody raised to peptide GYSKSSLLHSQPKST (top panel, left). An identical blot was incubated with the antiserum after the antiserum had been pre-treated with an excess of the peptide (top panel, Blocked). A stained gel of the protein extracts is shown in the lower panel. (B) Western blot analysis showing SnRK2 in proteins extracted from wheat roots treated with no ABA (Control) or with ABA for 3, 6 or 10 h. (C) Western blot analysis showing SnRK2 in proteins extracted from control roots and roots treated for 10 h with ABA. Left-hand panel, crude extracts; right-hand panel, phosphoprotein fraction.