(A,B) Seed correlation maps in unscrubbed and scrubbed data in two subjects using a medial parietal seed (−7 −55 27). Scrubbing removed 35% of the data in (A) and 39% of the data in (B), leaving 265 and 151 frames for analysis, respectively. The red ovals indicate locations where correlations are clearly altered. Seed maps produced from scrubbed data demonstrate much greater resemblance to the canonical default mode network. (C) Changes in the strength of rs-fcMRI correlations between medial parietal (−7 −55 27, red sphere) and medial prefrontal cortex (−7 50 −1, green sphere) across all 22 subjects in Cohort 1. Δr is produced by subtracting unscrubbed correlation values from scrubbed correlation values. Note that scrubbing increases this long-distance correlation in most subjects, does not substantially alter it in others, and reduces it in a small number of subjects.