Autocorrelations of ISOS phase, PT phase, intensity, and θOS, from left to right; autocorrelations clipped at 0.5 to enhance visibility of correlation tails and zero crossings. The autocorrelations of absolute phase, at ISOS and PT (far left and near left) show a small correlation between neighboring pixels in the direction of the fast scan (vertical), likely due to the brief (6 – 8 μs) interval between acquisition of successive A-lines and correspondingly small amount of axial eye motion. The autocorrelation of intensity (near right) shows a central peak with concentric rings surrounding it, characteristic of the uniformly packed cone mosaic. The spacing of the rings agrees with the expected cone spacing at this eccentricity (1.5°). The autocorrelation of referenced phase, θOS (far right) has a central peak similar to that of the intensity autocorrelation, suggesting that θOS is correlated among Alines within a cone, but not with neighboring cones. These images provide confirmation of the instrument’s sensitivity to θOS. Scale bars represent 5 μm.